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Dr.Kamal Bhalla is a distinguished lady physician in the field of General medicine with 18 years of experience. Apart from treating the all medical cases, she has special interest in Infectious diseases and geriatric medicine


Monday to Saturday
9:00AM - 3:00PM

Dr. Kamal Bhalla

MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine)

Consultant Physician

has 18 years of experience

Dr. Kamal Bhalla is a distinguished lady physician in the field of General medicine with 18 years of experience. Apart from treating the all medical cases, she has special interest in Infectious diseases and geriatric medicine. She has worked in Zulekha Hospital, UAE, where she was the HOD. She was Assistant professor at St. John's medical College, Bangalore. Before joining Sagar Hospital she was a consultant in Manipal Hospital.

  • PG Ramesh, D Jhavar, Kamal Khanna. Effect of diabetes mellitus on bone mass. Medicine Update. 2001. 88 - 90
  • KC Khare, K Khanna, D Jhavar. Renal angiographic appeararance of aortoarteritis and fibromuscular dysplasi in a young female. Cardiology Today. 2001 July - August

  • Geriatric Care
  • Infectious diseases
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