Chronic Ear Infections in Children

According to vastly experienced general physicians associated with Sagar Hospital, rated as the best Multispeciality Hospital in Bangalore, one of the common ailments faced by children is Chronic Ear Infections. Usually, a mild ear infection does not last long but if it does then it is considered as chronic in nature. If chronic infections, especially in children, are not treated immediately, they could lead to more serious damage including permanent loss of hearing.

Experienced Ear doctors in Bangalore also associate chronic ear infections with affecting free speech development.

Symptoms of Chronic Ear Infection in Children

According to the best ear specialists in Bangalore associated with Sagar Hospital, children may present the following symptoms that might indicate chronic ear infections.

  • Mild ear pain
  • A feeling of pressure in the ear
  • Fluid flowing out of the ear
  • Mild fever
  • Trouble getting sleep
  • Trouble hearing clearly

Diagnosing Chronic Ear Infections

According to medical experts working with Sagar Hospital, the best hospital for ear treatment in Bangalore, your child’s ear, nose and throat will be examined in detail by your ear doctor. Additionally, he may recommend certain other tests that include.

  • Blood test to detect bacterial/viral infection
  • Ear X-Ray
  • Ear Culture

Causes of Ear Infection in Children

As per the best ear care doctor in Bangalore, the causes of chronic ear infections in children may vary. The widely observed cause is fluid buildup or mucus buildup behind the ear drum. Additionally, certain other attributed to ear infections include:

  • Family History of ear infections
  • Air pollution
  • Industrial Chemical Pollution
  • Exposure to intense cold and dust

Treatment options for Chronic Ear Infections in Children

Sagar hospital is rated as the best hospital for ear surgery in Bangalore due to the efficiency of its surgeons and advanced treatment facilities. Some of the treatment options available for chronic ear infections in children include:

  • Medications depending upon the severity of the infection.
  • Surgical treatment like
    • Myringotomy
    • This procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. In this process, tiny ear tubes are inserted into the eardrum to facilitate smooth air exchange in the middle ear.

    • Adenoidectomy
    • Surgeries to remove enlarged Adenoid glands are commonly performed by ENT Surgeons in Bangalore. Untreated, enlarged adenoid glands can lead to chronic ear infections in children.

    • Myringoplasty
    • This surgery is performed to treat small holes appearing in your child’s ear and facilitate smooth hearing.

    • Tympanoplasty
    • This procedure is commonly performed to ensure that large holes in your ear do not obstruct the ability of your child to hear properly.

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