The term “movement disorders” is used to describe a group of neurological conditions that cause voluntary or involuntary abnormal movements of the body. They can cause increased or slow movements. There are several types of movements disorders, some of the most common ones are listed below.

Ataxia: This condition affects the cerebellum, the part of your brain that control coordinated movement. Symptoms include uncoordinated movement and speech, clumsy gait etc.

Chorea: This condition causes brief, repetitive, irregular involuntary movements of the face, mouth, limbs and trunk.

Dystonia: This condition is characterised by sustained involuntary muscle spasms and contractions which may affect the whole body or only one part. It causes twisting and repetitive movements.

Tremor: This causes involuntary shaking of the hands, head, feet and other parts of the body.

Multiple system atrophy: This is a rare progressive neurological condition which affects various brain systems. It causes movements disorders like parkinsonism or ataxia along with impaired bladder function and low blood pressure.

Parkinson’s disease: This is a slow progressive neurodegenerative disease that is characterised by slow decreased movements, tremors, stiffness or imbalance.

Parkinsonism: This is a group of conditions which exhibit symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease.

Huntington’s disease: This is a genetic progressive neurodegenerative disease which causes uncontrolled movements, impaired cognition and psychiatric conditions.

Tourette syndrome: This neurological condition is characterised by ‘tics’ – repetitive movements and vocal sounds.

Wilson’s disease: This is a rare genetic disorder which causes an excessive amount of copper to accumulate in the body, leading to neurological issues.

Progressive supranuclear palsy: This is an uncommon neurological condition that affects balance, eye movements and walking.

Restless legs syndrome: This condition causes abnormal, unpleasant feelings in the lower extremities when the individual is lying down or relaxing. Symptoms often go away when the legs are moved.

Cervical dystonia: This disorder affects the neck muscles, causing long-lasting spasms and intermitted contractions. This causes the neck to involuntarily turn in different ways.

Tardive dyskinesia: This is a neurological condition which is brought on by long-term use of specific drugs used in the treatment of psychiatric conditions. It is characterised by involuntary movements like eye blinking and grimacing.

For details on specific movement disorders and how to treat them, contact our neurologists today.

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