Elective Healthcare

Elective surgery is a surgical procedure that is planned in advance as a result of a clinical assessment by a specialist. Though the term “elective” might seem to imply that the surgery is not essential, that is not always the case. An elective procedure is just a surgery that is not done in an emergency situation; it can still be as important.

A wide range of surgeries can be categorized as elective surgeries. Cosmetic surgeries are a very common elective procedures, but so are tonsillectomies, ear tubes, knee replacement and scoliosis surgeries. These procedures may be done electively and planned in advance and can be potentially life-changing.

The major categories of common elective procedures include, but not limited to, are:

  • + Plastic surgery: Reconstructive or cosmetic surgery for improvements in appearance. They are mostly performed for the purposes of boosting the self-esteem of patients. They can be done to aid physical function as well.
  • + Refractive surgery: Laser surgery done to correct vision-related issues.
  • + Gynaecological surgery: Can be medically necessary or optional procedures (such as hysterectomy and tubal ligation).
  • + Diagnostic surgery: Surgery performed to determine the origin and extent of a medical issue, or to biopsy tissue samples.
  • + Cardiovascular surgery: Non-emergency procedures to improve heart function or blood flow, such as angioplasty or the implantation of a pacemaker.
  • + Musculoskeletal system surgery: Orthopaedic surgical procedures, such as ACL reconstruction and hip replacement.
  • + General Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery: removal of an internal cyst or a tumor that can create a potential threat in the future.
  • + NeuroSpine Surgery: non-emergency procedures to improve the gait.

There are many more procedures under varied specialities that can be categorized as elective. Please talk to a qualified specialist.

For further information and to book an appointment with a specialist,
call 080-4288 8888/4299 9999

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